What Are The Common Problems in Candidate Recruitment and Selection Process? 

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HireME05 Dec 2022Share this

The recruitment and selection processes involve a few hurdles and pose serious challenges for organizations, especially recruiters while tracking down ideal candidates. The problems involved in the hiring process are actually a lot more than they sound. As a result of the recruitment challenges, most organizations end up losing appropriate candidates and often get messed up with the hiring process. This is why effective Recruitment Management Software has become a necessity to tackle the common problems of hiring and easing the process. According to a study by Jobscan, more than 98% of Fortune 500 companies are using Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), software utilized by companies to seamlessly carry out their human resources, recruitment, and hiring processes.  

Also, another study by Capterra reveals that 94% of recruiters and hiring professionals are of the view that recruitment software has brought positive outcomes within their hiring process. Recruitment challenges are indeed endless when dealing with traditional methods of hiring, this is why Recruitment Management Software is the need of the hour.  

Before diving deep into the details of Recruitment Software benefits, we will analyze the major challenges faced by companies during their hiring process without the support of a Recruitment Management System.  

6 Major Recruitment Challenges faced by every Organization in the Hiring Process 

The productivity of a company is greatly dependent on the selection of ideal candidates and the way they will perform their responsibilities. However, while hunting for the perfect candidates, hiring professionals often encounter a lot of barriers that ultimately affect the hiring process of their respective organizations.  

We will look into the most common and major recruitment challenges faced by hiring professionals and recruiters. Also, we will be discussing the solutions and ways to overcome the challenges with a Recruitment Management System.  

  1. Finding Ideal Candidates 

Tracking down the ideal candidates from a bunch of individuals for specific job roles is indeed a common problem faced by almost all hiring professionals. A study by the National Federation of Independent Business reveals that 87% of HR professionals find it difficult to get suitable or qualified candidates for their job roles. Apparently, it may seem that there are a lot of eligible candidates for a particular job opening but either they don’t match the skills you desire or lack the credentials required for the job. The process of finding the ideal candidates is directly proportional to where and how you are posting the job updates or vacancies for reaching out to the right candidates. Also, there are a lot of candidates applying for a particular job opening. Going through all the candidates’ profiles manually is indeed a tedious and time-consuming task for the recruiters.  

This is why it is essential to streamline the selection process and mention all the desired details in the job description. Another important thing to keep in mind is that you need to advertise about the job openings in multiple portals and websites. All these crucial tasks can be seamlessly managed by using a Recruitment Management Software instead of manual handling.  

  1. Competition Among Organizations Regarding Hiring Process 

We all are aware that competition in the hiring world is massive. Every organization either small or big is always eyeing for ideal candidates. While there are a number of individuals searching for their desired profiles, companies are also doing the same rapidly because no one wants to keep a position vacant for a long time since such a situation hampers operations as well as growth. But lack of resources and appropriate measures often fail to track perfect candidates and delay the hiring process in an organization. This also exerts a lot of pressure on the hiring departments. These are major issues that should be taken care of by upgrading the entire hiring process.  

Moreover, you need to attract candidates with job offers and convince them why should they join your organization. You need to inform them about the benefits of the job, how much flexibility will they get and the work environment they are going to enter.  

  1. A Lengthy Recruitment Procedure  

A lengthy recruitment procedure can involve different factors. Some of the common factors are:  

A) Companies go on searching for the most perfect or ideal candidate to work for them.  

B) Sometimes, there is an absence of appropriate resources or tools to streamline the recruitment process. Manual handling of paperwork, documentation, spreadsheets and everything involved in the recruitment process take up a lot of time and ultimately delay the hiring process and make it lengthy. The hiring departments too find it very difficult to handle everything manually without a proper Recruitment Management System. Also, a delayed recruitment process in any organization results in the loss of eligible candidates.  

 If the recruitment process is streamlined with tech support, then it will minimize the time involved in the selection process and also help the hiring professionals reach out to the eligible candidates much faster.  

  1. Using Outdated Recruitment Methods 

Many companies find it difficult to manage data during the recruitment process without proper infrastructure. The manual handling of data with the use of spreadsheets involves chances of error. The best way to improve the hiring process is to use upgraded data-driven methods. When hiring professionals will have access to data, they can remain informed and take appropriate decisions. The use of outdated methods to monitor data is a serious problem for organizations.  

An easy way to upgrade the system is to make use of Recruitment Management Software or Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). The software can easily organize the data and compile those in one place. According to a report by Deloitte, approximately 71% of companies believe that incorporating analytics is vital for the hiring process.  

  1. Failing to Provide Sufficient Information about the Job Description 

Providing insufficient details about a job is the common mistake made by almost all hiring professionals. While searching for a job, a candidate wants to be informed of everything he/she has to do as a part of job responsibilities. This is why missing valuable details from the job description will result in the disinterest of the candidates. It is essential to mention all the details in the section of job description while posting any job. Also, as a recruiter, you should properly communicate with the candidates and reach out to them when it is expected from you.  

For example, while scheduling interviews with more than one candidate, you need to coordinate with every one of them efficiently. You need to provide them every piece of information about the job they want to know. It is not possible to remember all the candidates with whom you interacted. This is why you can use the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) software to set reminders for yourself and communicate with the candidates via email or call.  

  1. Absence of Branding 

Employer branding is extremely important for attracting more and more candidates to your organization. If your organization lacks proper branding or a good online presence then you should work towards building one. It has been found that companies with employer branding are likely to come across more quality candidates than others. Several factors are important in this context. You can make use of the appropriate resources, create a strong online presence, promote your organization on social media, highlight achievements of your organization, ensure a positive candidate experience, and lots more.  

It should be remembered that if you want to hire ideal candidates for a very good organization but your candidates are not aware about the organization, then they can be skeptical to proceed. This is why it is important to create employer branding.  

So, this is all about the problems faced during the recruitment and selection procedure of candidates. Now we will elaborately discuss how Recruitment Management System can be used to resolve these issues.  

How the Recruitment Challenges can be managed with a Recruitment Management Software? 

In simple words, it can be said that Recruitment Management Software transforms traditional recruitment processes and makes the hiring process smarter. The Recruitment Management System consists of a set of tools that efficiently automate and manage your organization’s crucial hiring as well as staffing operations. Recruitment Software benefits hiring teams and recruitment agencies in a number of ways.  

Keeping in mind the recruitment challenges, Webuters has designed a new age recruitment management system called HireME. HireME ensures 98% quality hiring with its upgraded AI-based hiring management tool. With HireME, you can experience 4X increase of productivity and carry out a much faster interview process, applicant management, and candidate engagement. HireME enables you to advertise for jobs, interview candidates, and effectively manage the entire job pipeline in one platform. Also, you can monitor feedback and reviews by using HireME.  

The modern Recruitment Software is 100% customizable and allows you to fulfill your desired business goals and seamlessly tailor the entire recruitment process. Whether you want to access critical data or automate posting of job updates on your website, modern Recruitment Software is all you need. It can be easily tailored to meet your demands.  

HireME is an affordable software that can streamline the hiring process and makes it way easier to track down idea candidates for your job openings. Moreover, it consists of an aesthetic